Base Construction

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Shandong University Human Rights Research Center was created by Professor Xu Xianming, a famous jurist.,The earliest domestic。Shandong University Human Rights Research Center is one of the "National Human Rights Education and Training Base" jointly established by the Ministry of Education and the Journalism Office of the State Council。The center actively provides suggestions for the theory and action of domestic human rights,The "theory of survival rights" proposed in the 1990s has become the country's iconic human rights discourse on the international stage,In recent years, a series of important activities such as the formulation of the "National Human Rights Action Plan" and the drafting of "Human Rights White Paper"。The "Human Rights Research" edited by the center (CSSCI Source Collection) has been published for fourteen years in a row,Have a strong influence。

2、Shandong University Procuratorate Theoretical Research Center/Supreme People's Procuratorate Procuratorate Basic Theoretical Research Base

Shandong University Procuratorate Theoretical Research Center is the Supreme People's Procuratorate and Shandong University Cooperation Platform,Dedicated to the basic theory of prosecution、Prosecution right operation mechanism、Practice of procuratorial rights、Research in the field of procuratorial system reform,Focusing on making it into a high -end procuratorial theoretical research center、Talent Training Center、Professional Literature Center and first -class professional think tank。BET365 APP Dean, Professor Zhou Changjun, and Deputy Director Chen Bo, deputy director of the Procuratorate Institute of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, served as the director of the center,Bet365 APP Professor Hu Changlong and Director Cai Wei, the Institute of Procuratorate of the Supreme People's Procuratorate as the Deputy Director of the Center。August 2019,Shandong University Procuratorate Theoretical Research Center was awarded to the Supreme People's Procuratorate Procuratorate Basic Theoretical Research Base。

3、China, Japan and South Korea Legal Research Center/Sino -Japanese and Korean high -end legal talent training base

October 2015 China Law Society signed an agreement with Shandong University,bet365 sports bettingestablished the only domestic "China -Japan -Korea Legal Research Center" and "China, Japan and South Korea's high -end legal talent training base" at Shandong University。Center and base are the director of Shandong University as the director,Daily institutions are set in Bet365 APP。Center and Base Established,The "first China, Japan and South Korea Legal Forum"、"Academic Symposium on Legal Issues of Aging Society in East Asian and East Asian countries in China"、"International Symposium on Environmental Law and Policy of China -Japan Law"、"International Seminar of the Civil Code of the China -Japan Perspective"、"Sino -Japanese Criminal Law Symposium" and other academic conferences,Training projects such as the Chinese Law Society's "Northeast Asian Legal Talent Exchange Project" and other training programs,Jointly carried out the "Sino -Japanese and Korean financing guarantee legal system" with Japanese and Korean academic research institutions、"East Asian National Aging Social Legal System" and other cooperative research topics,Get rich results。

4、Ecological environment damage judicial appraisal theoretical research and practice base (co -construction of the Ministry of Justice and Shan University)

In order to thoroughly implement the idea of ​​falling into the internship, Jinping ecological civilization thought,October 2019,The Ministry of Justice and Shandong University jointly constructed the "Ecological Environmental Damage of Judicial Appraisal Theoretical Research and Practical Base",It aims to be built into "domestic first -class、World Famous Ecological Environment Damage Judicial Appraisal Research Center、High -end Talent Training Center and High -end Decision Think Tank Center。Base is from Law School、School of Environment、College of Life、Experts from related institutes such as the School of Economics and other related institutes are the main body,It will be promoted to cross -fusion of the discipline of liberal arts and sciences、Promoting the major theory and technical research on the judicial appraisal of ecological environment damage、Cultivating high -end talents in ecological and environmental sciences to play an important role,It will bear the administrative personnel of the appraisal of ecological environment damage、Environmental damage judicial appraisal personnel update and training work、The quality assessment and appraisal technology guidance work of the judicial appraisal agency,Carrying out the major theoretical issues of ecological environment damage and appraisal collaboration,Formulate for relevant national policy standards、Legislative assessment、Administrative Management and Case Analysis Solution to provide technical support。

Five,Shandong University Education and Law Research Center (Co -built by the Ministry of Education Policy and Regulations and Shandong University)

Shandong University Education and Law Research Center was built by the Ministry of Education and Education。"Center" aims to further strengthen theoretical research and practice exploration of education and rule of law,Mainly focusing on the key tasks of education and rule of law,Use the method and paradigm on the practical problems of the education bet365 appfield,Deepen theoretical and practical research,Put forward a report on decision -making consulting recommendations。The center mainly relies on the establishment of BET365 APP -related disciplines。Since its establishment,The center successfully completes the tasks entrusted by the Ministry of Education's Policy and Regulations Department,and actively for the education administrative department of various places、Donald and middle school provides relevant services in accordance with the law,Get highly praised。

6Research Base of Political Civilization and Constitutional Governance of Shandong University

"Political Civilization and Constitutional Research Base" is a key base of humanities and social sciences in Shandong Province,It is the key construction base of the "13th Five -Year Plan" of Shandong Province。This base relies on the subject and administrative law of constitutionalism and administrative law,Reasonable structure of the teacher team,1 digit 1 digit in the country's top ten middle -aged and middle -aged jurists、Taishan scholars specially appointed professor 1、British professor 1、Korean associate professor 1、Dr. Lide 1、Dr. stayed in Japan 3 digits,Actively develop theoretical construction,and actively serve Shandong,Achievements。

SevenShandong Province Judicial Research Base/Shandong University Judicial Research Center

August 24, 2021,Shandong University and Shandong Provincial Higher People's Court signed a strategic cooperation agreement,Established Shandong Judicial Research Base,Relying on the construction of law school。Research Base focus,Study on the theory of judicial basic theory,It is designed to provide intellectual support and consulting services for judicial work in Shandong Province。Professor Cui Yongdong as the base director。

May 30, 2023,Shandong University Judicial Research Center was established by the school,Relying on the construction of law school。The purpose of the establishment of the Research Center is to promote the study of school judicial disciplines,Provide theoretical leadership and academic support for judicial reform and judicial practice,To build a strong country of rule of law、Promote the modernization of national governance systems and governance capabilities to provide ideological resources and intellectual support。Professor Cui Yongdong as the director of the center。

Eight、Local Legislative Research Service Base in Shandong University, Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shandong Province

The local legislative research service base of Shandong University Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress is the cooperation between the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress and Shandong University。Base aims to provide intellectual support and consulting services for local legislative work in Shandong Province,Persist in the leadership of the People's Congress、Government participation、Facing the whole province、Integrated resources,Efforts to build a high level、Comprehensive、Open local legislative research service platform。Base is the director of Shandong University as the director,Daily institutions are set in Bet365 APP。Since the establishment of the base,Perfect the various topics and tasks entrusted by the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Shandong Province,Hosted nationwide bet365 sports betting apkor provincial local legislative seminars many times,Get a good praise。

Nine, Shandong Province Copyright Teaching and Research Base

"Shandong Provincial Copyright Teaching and Research Base" was approved by the Shandong Provincial Copyright Bureau to set up at Shandong University,To further enhance copyright protection awareness、Actively and steadily respond to copyright affairs at home and abroad、Enhance the ability to cooperate with relevant domestic and foreign institutions、Carry out copyright scientific research、Cultivate high -level copyright talents、Promotion and promotion of supporting Shandong copyright work、Promote the cultural undertakings of our province、The vitality of the cultural industry is alive、Prosperity Development as a target,Dedicated to implement the root of Shandong University、The "Double First -class" construction strategy serving the development of Shandong。This base mainly relies on Bet365 APP Intellectual Property Discipline,Teachers' strength strong,Reasonable age structure,Director of the base is Professor Cui Lihong。

TenResearch Base of Culture Construction of Qilu Lawye

The Research Research Base of Qilu Dharma Culture Construction is the Political and Legal Committee of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee、Shandong Provincial Law Society approved the establishment of at Shandong University,Bet365 APP Constitution and Administrative Law、Jurisprudence、The backbone force of disciplines such as Law History is dependent,The purpose of promoting Qilu's excellent traditional rule of law culture,Promote the construction of contemporary Qilu rule of law culture,Contributions to the rule of law and modernization of national governance and Qilu social basic governance。Professor Wang Dezhi as the base director,Professor Li Daojun and Associate Professor Ma Jianhong as the Deputy Director。

TenaShandong Provincial Education Legislative Consultation Service Base

Shandong Provincial Education Legislative Consultation Service Base is established by the Shandong Provincial Department of Education,This base is used as a research base for education legislative theory in Shandong Province、Academic Exchange Platform、Decision Consultation Think Tank,Relying on the talent advantage of the Law School,Provide support and services for education legislation and educational decision -making,Dedicated to carry out local education regulations、Government Regulations、Research on the standardized documents of the Provincial Department of Education、Draft、Research and major education forward -looking research、Research and other work。

Ten2、China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone Rule of Law Research Center

June 10, 2018,General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed at the Qingdao Summit at the SCO,The Chinese government supports the construction of China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone。China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Demonstration Zone Rule of Law, which was established in November 2018,It is a scientific research institution that provides intellectual support for China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization's Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone,It provides an important platform for the in -depth participation of the Law School and related legal activities on the Belt and Road Initiative。

Ten3Shandong University Study Research Center of Kochi Law Rule of Law

August 5, 2022,Shandong University bet365 appStudy Research Center is officially established by the school with the school,Relying on the construction of law school。Center is committed to Xi Jinping's ideological research,Follow the mountain Big、Service Land,Give play to the role of think tanks,Make suggestions for national and social development。Since the establishment of the center,Lectures on the "Shandong University Comprehensive Governance of the Country and New Law Construction Forum" in Shandong University、"Xi Jinping Three major system construction of the rule of law and the construction of the law" academic seminar, etc.,I got a good social response。Director Xie Pengcheng,Wang Dezhi、Song Baozhen as Deputy Director。

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Address: Qingdao Campus, Shandong University, No. 72 Binhai Road, Shimo District, Qingdao City     Postcode 266237

          Hongjialou Campus, Shandong University, No. 5, Hongjialou, Licheng District, Jinan City    Zip Code 250100

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Address: Qingdao Campus, Shandong University, No. 72 Binhai Road, Shimo District, Qingdao City     Postcode 266237

          Hongjialou Campus, Shandong University, No. 5, Hongjialou, Licheng District, Jinan City    Zip Code 250100