Website Submission Email:
Author:        Release time: 2021-08-25        Reading:

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1. Format requirements

bet365 sports betting login1. Submission must be submitted by the website of the law school,It is recommended to open it with Word software,See the attachment;

2. The title of the manuscript: The title is simple and clear,The length is controlled in 25 characters,The title cannot be contained in the space removal、comma、Breakfall、interval number、Other punctuation symbols outside the quotation marks;

3.Text:字数一般为800字以内,The first line of the conventional paragraph shrinks into 2 characters,1.5 times the spacing;

4. Picture: The picture should be attached with another part,Do not insert it in Word document; use JPG、Jepg format Send the original size,Multiple pictures,Please name the name of the name of the number of figures to clear the order of uploading;

5. If there is a withdrawal date,请一并在Text最后标注清楚;

6. Signature: Text、The picture must be clearly clearing the author (see the submission template attached to the format),Generally no collective author。

2. Content requirements

1. The manuscript should adhere to the correct political direction,It meets the requirements of the core values ​​of socialism,The theme is clear,Strong timeliness;

2. The picture is a big scene picture that can reflect the background of the news activity,Except for special circumstances (such as academic report bet365 sports bettingreporters、Visit guests, etc.),Generally, a close -up picture of a single character is not arranged;,Reasonable composition,The imaging is clear;

3. Manuscript text and pictures must be objective and real,Compliance with relevant national laws and regulations,No plagiarism、Transfer to others' works。

3, submission method

The manuscript is sent to,Email theme is "News Release Title+Name of the Reviewer"。

Four, manuscript review

1. The manuscript must be reviewed by the relevant leader or teacher;

2. Based on news content,Who hosted who to review,Who is responsible for whom;

3. According to school news reporting requirements,Academic Report News Publishing,Must be attached to philosophy social sciences academic report approval single screenshots。

5. Manuscript returns

1. Do not use the website of the law school website to submit templates;

2. The manuscript has no reviewer,Manuscript text、The author is not clear;

3. There is no title in the manuscript,Multiple typo、Disease sentence,Duanlang chaos,Editing is difficult; the quality of pictures with pictures is too low,Insufficient resolution,Text does not match。

Note: Notice Announcement and Academic Report Trailer Submission Review Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirements。

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August 2021

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Address: Qingdao Campus, Shandong University, No. 72 Binhai Road, Shimo District, Qingdao City     Postcode 266237

          Hongjialou Campus, Shandong University, No. 5, Hongjialou, Licheng District, Jinan City    Postcode 250100

All rights reserved: bet365 app 2012 all rights reserved


Address: Qingdao Campus, Shandong University, No. 72 Binhai Road, Shimo District, Qingdao City     Postcode 266237

          Hongjialou Campus, Shandong University, No. 5, Hongjialou, Licheng District, Jinan City    Postcode 250100