Bet365 APP Talent Recruitment Announcement
Author:        Release time: 2019-12-19        Reading:

Shandong University is a long history、A complete discipline、Academic strength strong、The characteristics of running the school are clear,The Ministry of Education, which has important influence at home and abroad, is a key comprehensive university directly under the Ministry of Education,It is a world -class university construction university (Class A)。Shandong University French Education resumed in the 1980s,Establishing Legal Department in 1983,1994 transfer to law school。The college now owns the right to grant the first doctorate degree in law,There is a postdoctoral research flow station with laws of law、National Excellent Legal Talent Education Training Base、National Human Rights Education and Training Base、The Basic theoretical Research Base of the Supreme People's Procuratorate、China Law Society China and South Korea Legal Research Center/Sino -Japanese and Korean high -end legal talent training base。College in discipline construction、Scientific Studies、Talent training、International cooperation and social services have made great development,"Cross Law" was selected into the bet365 sports betting"Disciplinary Peak Project" of Shandong University,The first batch of legal majors selected as a national first -class undergraduate major。The college was originally located in Jinan City, Shandong Province,In July 2017, the entire system was relocated to Qingdao Campus on the Shinan Bay of the Binbin Binbin of Huanghai,and retain some school space in Jinan,Shandong University (Qingdao) superior geographical location、Advanced hardware facilities、The strong innovation spirit has injected new vitality into the new development of law schools。

To further promote the construction of first -class disciplines of law,Build a high -level law college with international perspective and competition level,Now I sincerely invite law and talents to join at home and abroad,Create glory。

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Law of the second -level discipline: civil and commercial law、History of Law、Jurisha、Constitution and Administrative Law、Civil Procedure Law、Criminal Procedure Law、Economic Law、Environmental Law、Criminal Law、Intellectual Property Law、International Public Law、International Private Law and International Economic Law。

2. Outstanding Talent introduction conditions and treatment

(1) Chair professor of Shandong University

Job conditions:

1. It has an international vision and strategic concept for the development of disciplines,The academic level is leading in the field of international peers,It has an irreplaceable leading role in the process of driving the discipline to catch up with the international advanced level;

2. It played an important role in serving national strategy and economic and social development,has had a major social impact; made a pioneering work in this research field,Has a high academic reputation。

(2) Special professor of Shandong University

Job conditions:

1. Make an important work in this subject field,or outstanding scholars who have achieved important results in the field of national strategic demand;

2. The applicant should be an important national talent or a leading talent with corresponding strength,Age does not exceed 60 years old。

(3) Outstanding young and middle -aged scholars in Shandong University

Job conditions:

1. In the field of major national needs and academic frontier,Entering forward -looking、Innovation research,iconic research results with important academic influence have been obtained,With strong academic potential;

2. The applicant should be an important national young talent or a young and middle -aged talent with corresponding strength;

3. Age does not exceed 55 years old.

bet365 sports betting apkThe above introduction of talent treatment,For specific telephone consultation。

(4) Shandong University Qilu Young Scholar

Job conditions:

1. Have a doctorate degree, no more than 40 years old;

2. Overseas candidates should generally have the experience of a well -known university assistant professor and the corresponding positions or the corresponding positions of the research institution; domestic candidates should work at the front -line work of teaching and research,Have a associate professor and above professional and technical positions;

3. The academic direction belongs to the major needs of the country and academic frontier,In the field of main disciplines that meet the needs of school development,Entering forward -looking、Innovation research,The iconic research results with important academic impact have been obtained,With strong academic potential,Academic level ranks at the forefront of scholars in the same age in this subject。

Introduction treatment:

1. Hire as a professor and doctoral supervisor of Shandong University;

2. Salary: annual salary of 30-4 million yuan;

3. Provide 300,000 to 500,000 yuan to provide peace and housing subsidies;

4. Provide not less than 300,000 yuan for providing discipline construction;

5. Provide first -class medical care services;


3, pre -hired teacher

(1) Job condition

1. Researcher

(1) In principle, the age does not exceed 40 years old;

(2) Assistant professor or outstanding post -doctoral after a well -known overseas university or research institution,Famous domestic universities or research institutions with senior professional and technical positions or teaching and scientific researchers with corresponding levels。

2. Associate Researcher

(1) In principle, the age does not exceed 35 years old;

(2) Overall or doctoral universities or research institutions overseas or research institutions,Famous domestic universities or research institutions Excellent doctoral post -doctoral,Teaching and scientific researchers with deputy senior professional and technical positions or corresponding levels。

(2) Introduction of treatment

1. Perform the salary standard of national institutions,Provide job performance salary;

2. Provide scientific research startup funds RMB 6-20 million;

3. Provide housing subsidies and medical care services;

4. Can provide high -quality basic education for children and children.

Four, postdoctoral

Special funding category、Key funding category、Project fund -funded post -doctoral three categories。

(1) Job condition

1. The age is not more than 35 years old;

2. In the past three years, well -known universities bet365 appor scientific research institutions at home and abroad obtained doctorate degrees;

3. Outstanding research results during the doctoral degree;

4. Guaranteed to engage in postdoctoral research at Shandong University for no less than 21 months。

(2) Introduction of treatment

1. Annual salary: Special funding category is not less than 300,000 yuan,Key funding category is not less than 200,000 yuan,Project funding category is not less than 120,000 yuan,Qingdao City subsidies 60,000 yuan;

2. Pay social insurance and provident fund according to the equivalent standards of preparation teachers in the job;

3. Buy commercial medical insurance for post -doctoral and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan post -doctoral insurance;

4. Provide preferential rented post -doctoral apartments;

5. Provide first -class medical care services;

6. Provide high -quality basic education for post -doctoral children who transfer to school。

For details, please refer to BET365 APP post -doctoral recruitment notice (long -term recruitment,Application for acceptance at any time)https://www.law.sdu.edu.cn/info/1053/3742.htm

5. Assistant researcher

(1) Job condition

1. Applicants applying for assistant researchers in principle do not exceed 32 years of age;

2. Dr. or Ph.D.

3. There is a solid theoretical basis in the field of this subject,Master the development of the discipline at home and abroad,Can be the backbone of the teaching and scientific research of this subject。

(2) Introduction of treatment

Provide competitive salary.1

6. Provide materials

If you are interested, please provide the electronic version of the following materials:

1. Detailed personal resume (including uninterrupted education since college undergraduate、Work experience; scientific research and its certification materials);

2. Education, degree certificate and current job certificate;

3.500 words of personal profile,Focus on the main academic achievements obtained;

4. The full text of three representative nature.

7. Contact information

Contact: Teacher Fang

Tel: 0532-58630528

Fax: 0532-58630505


Address: Bet365 App

Postcode: 266237

All rights reserved: bet365 app 2012 all rights reserved

Submitted mailbox:lawschoolwangzhan@163.com

Address: Qingdao Campus, Shandong University, No. 72 Binhai Road, Shimo District, Qingdao City     Postcode 266237

          Hongjialou Campus, Shandong University, No. 5, Hongjialou, Licheng District, Jinan City    Zip Code 250100

All rights reserved: bet365 app 2012 all rights reserved

Submitted mailbox:lawschoolwangzhan@163.com

Address: Qingdao Campus, Shandong University, No. 72 Binhai Road, Shimo District, Qingdao City     Postcode 266237

          Hongjialou Campus, Shandong University, No. 5, Hongjialou, Licheng District, Jinan City    Zip Code 250100