Bet365 APP doctoral post -recruitment notice (application for application at any time)
Author:        Release time: 2022-03-09        Reading:

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Law discipline has a long history。1906,The Qing government has set up legislative and political schools in Jinan,Another law school in the following year,Called first、Second Law and Political School; 1913,Two schools are merged into the Shandong Public Legislative Government College,was one of the six special schools in Shandong University at that time。In the modern sense, Shandong University Law Education began in 1980; 1981,The undergraduate majors of law began to enroll; the Department of Law was established in 1983;,Professor Xu Xianming, a famous jurist, as the first dean。2000,Law School obtained the right to grant the doctorate degree in theoretical law; 2005,Law School obtained constitutional and administrative law、The qualifications for doctoral degree of doctoral degree in two majors of civil and commercial law; 2011,Law School is approved by the first -level discipline of the law to enroll in the enrollment unit。2016,The Qingdao Campus of Shandong University is officially opened,Law School moved into the Qingdao Campus in 2017,and retain some school space at the Hongjia Building campus of Jinan,This ushered in unprecedented development opportunities。April 2021,Establishing Shandong University Cross Law Research Institute。

2. Introduction to the flow station

Relying on the deep academic accumulation and high -level scientific research platform of the law school,The mobile station has multiple excellent scientific research teams and a stable research direction,After doctoral enters, you can quickly integrate into the team's team research,Focus on the direction of scientific research,High -quality research work。

Constitution and Administrative Law Research Team。Mainly relying on the Institute of Constitutional Government、Shandong University Human Rights Research Center/National Human Rights Education and Training Base、Research Base of Political Civilization and Constitutional Governance of Shandong University、Local Legislative Research Service Base and Local Legislative Research Center、Shandong Provincial Education Legislative Consultation Service Base、Scientific research platforms such as the China Research Institute of Rule of Law of Shandong University。Where,Shandong University Human Rights Research Center was created by Professor Xu Xianming, a famous jurist.,The earliest domestic。Shandong University Human Rights Research Center is one of the "National Human Rights Education and Training Base" jointly established by the Ministry of Education and the Journalism Office of the State Council。The center actively contributes to the theory and action of domestic human rights,The "theory of survival rights" proposed in the 1990s has become the country's iconic human rights discourse on the international stage,In recent years, a series of important activities such as the formulation of the "National Human Rights Action Plan" and the drafting of "Human Rights White Paper"。The "Human Rights Research" edited by the center (CSSCI Source Collection) was published in 2001,Now it has been published continuously to Volume 22,Have a strong influence。The research base of political civilization and constitutional governance of Shandong University is a key base of humanities and social sciences in Shandong Province,is the key construction base of the "13th Five -Year Plan" of Shandong Province。The local legislative research service base of Shandong University Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress is established in cooperation with the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress and Shandong University,It aims to provide intellectual support and consulting services for local legislative work in Shandong Province,Since the establishment,Perfectly complete various topics and tasks entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Shandong Provincial People's Congress,Hosted a nationwide or provincial local legislative seminar for many times,Get a good praise。

Research Team of Judgment and Law History.The Institute of History and Law, Main Law and Law、Shandong University Human Rights Research Center/National Human Rights Education and Training Base、Shandong Provincial Law Research Base、Research Base of Culture Construction of Qilu Lawye、Shandong University Big Data Law Research Center and other scientific research platforms。Where,Shandong Provincial Law Research Base is a key research base in philosophy and social sciences in Shandong Province、Shandong Provincial Law Academic Exchange Center、Academic information and research data centers and major legal theoretical innovation bases,Focus on major practical topics of major theoretical issues of law and the construction of democracy and rule of law。

Digital Law Research Team.Mainly relied on the Academy of Cross Law of Shandong University,School of Information Science and Engineering、School of Network Security、Institute of Data Science、Computer Academy、The core force composition of the Institute of Economic Research。The team was selected as the first batch of humanities and social science innovation teams in Shandong University,It is a brand team that is focused on the "14th Five -Year Plan" period of the Law School。Its research direction mainly involves the use of big data in the process of legislation、Use big data in the process of law enforcement、Big data use in the judicial process、The basic principles of data governance and legal regulations、Network Security Data Governance and Legal Guarantee、Six directions of algorithm governance and its legal regulation。

Litigation Law Research Team.Mainly relying on the Institute of Procedure Law、Shandong University Procuratorate Research Center/Supreme People's Procuratorate Procuratorate Basic Theoretical Research Base、The ecological environment damage of the judicial appraisal theoretical research and practice base jointly built by the Ministry of Justice and Shandong University、Shandong University Criminal Justice and Criminal Policy Research Center and other scientific research platforms。Where,Shandong University Procuratorate Theoretical Research Center is the Supreme People's Procuratorate and Shandong University Cooperation Platform,Dedicated to the basic theory of prosecution、Prosecution right operation mechanism、Practice of procuratorial rights、Studies in the field of procuratorial system reform,Focus on creating a high -end procuratorial theoretical research center、Talent Training Center、Professional Literature Center and domestic first -class professional think tank,August 2019 was awarded to the Supreme People's Procuratorate Procuratorate Basic Theoretical Research Base。The "Ecological Environmental Damage theoretical Research and Practical Base" jointly built by the Ministry of Justice and Shandong University,It aims to be built into "domestic first -class、World Famous Ecological Environment Damage Judicial Appraisal Research Center、High -end Talent Training Center and High -end Decision Think Tank Center,In promoting cross -integration of liberal arts and science disciplines、Promote the major theory and technical research of ecological environmental damage to judicial appraisal、Cultivating high -end talents in ecological and environmental sciences to play an important role,Carrying out the major theoretical issues of ecological environmental damage and appraisal collaboration。

Research Team of Civil and Commercial Law.Mainly relied on the Institute of Civil Commercial Law、China, Japan and South Korea Legal Research Center/Sino -Japanese and Korean high -end legal talent training base、Shandong Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee Shandong University Local Legislative Research Service Base、Shandong Provincial Copyright Teaching and Research Base、Case Research Center of Civil Business Difficulties in Shandong University、Shandong University Medical Law Research Center and other scientific research platforms。Where,China, Japan and South Korea Legal Research Center/Sino -Japanese and Korean high -end legal talent training bases are established by the Chinese Law Society at Shandong University,Daily institutions are set in Bet365 APP,Center and Base Established,Hosted the "First China, Japan and South Korea Legal Forum"、"Academic Symposium on Legal Issues of Aging Society in East Asian East Asian countries in China"、"International Symposium on the Civil Code of China -Japan Perspective" and other academic conferences,Jointly carried out the "Sino -Japanese and Korean financing guarantee legal system" with Japanese and Korean academic research institutions、"East Asian National Aging Social Legal System" and other cooperative research topics,Get rich results。Shandong Provincial Copyright Teaching Research Base is approved by the Shandong Provincial Copyright Bureau,To further enhance copyright protection awareness、Actively and steadily deal with copyright affairs at home and abroad、Enhance the ability to cooperate with relevant domestic and foreign institutions、Carry out copyright scientific research、Cultivate high -level copyright talents、Promotion and promotion of supporting Shandong copyright work、Promote the cultural undertakings of our province、Cultural industry vitality、Prosperity Development as a target,Dedicated to implement the root of Shandong University、The "Double First -class" construction strategy serving the development of Shandong。

Intellectual Property Law Research Team.It mainly relies on the Institute of Intellectual Property Law、Shandong Provincial Copyright Teaching and Research Base,Copyright、Patent right、Trademark right、Geographical logo right、Theoretical and practical teaching research in the intellectual property fields such as anti -unfair competition,Theoretical and practical teaching research in the intellectual property fields such as anti -unfair competition。Based on domestic practice needs,Follow the academic dynamics of the outside world,With rich and friendly off -campus practical resources,Student training mode advanced,Teaching and research strength strong。

Criminal Law Research Team.It mainly relies on the Institute of Criminal Law、Shandong University Procuratorate Research Center/Supreme People's Procuratorate Procuratorate Basic Theoretical Research Base、Shandong University Criminal Law Research Center、Bet365 APP Criminal Compliance Research Center and other scientific research platforms。Where,The Criminal Law Research Center of Shandong University has organized many international seminars for the criminal theory system、International Symposium on Social Crime、The first and the second criminal law and the criminal law law law of young scholars dialogue academic forums and other influential seminars,It caused a good academic response。

Economic Law and Environmental Resources Law Research Team.It mainly relies on the Institute of Economic Law and Environmental Law、The "Ecological Environmental Damage theoretical Research and Practical Base" jointly built by the Ministry of Justice and Shandong University、Shandong Provincial People's Congress Standing Committee Shandong University Local Legislative Research Service Base、Research platforms such as the Rule of Law of Ecological Civilization and Environmental Resources of Shandong University。Once hosted or promoted the "International Symposium on Sino -Japanese Environmental Law and Policy"、"Yellow River Ecological Civilization Expert Forum" and other academic seminars。

International Law Research Team.Mainly rely on the Institute of International Law、China, Japan and South Korea Legal Research Center/Sino -Japanese and Korean high -end legal talent training base、China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone Rule of Law Research Center、Shandong University WTO Law Research Center and other scientific research platforms。Where,China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization's Local Economic and Trade Cooperation Demonstration Zone Rule of Law Research Center is a research institution providing intellectual support for the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Demonstration Zone for the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Demonstration Zone built in Qingdao,Drives important research tasks。

3. Recruitment conditions and support policies

Recruitment conditions

1. Have good political quality、Moral Cultivation,physical and mental health;

2. In the past 3 years or is about to obtain a doctorate degree in high -level universities or scientific research institutions at home and abroad,Age no more than 35 years old;

3. Have strong scientific research ability and academic research potential;

4. Research topic is forward -looking, innovative and feasible;

5. I have worked for a full -time post -doctoral research at Shandong University for no less than 21 months。

Recruitment type

Dr. Zhuoyou's post -doctoral support plan

Special funding category

Key funding category

Project funding category

Selection method

College review and unified school selection (one batch of each year)

College review and unified school selection (three batches per year)

College review, college organization selection



ComprehensiveAnnual salary

No less than 400,000 (before tax)+Qingdao subsidy 84,000 per year

No less than 300,000 (before tax)+Qingdao subsidy 84,000 per year

No less than 200,000 (before tax)+Qingdao subsidy 84,000 per year

No less than 120,000 (before tax)+Qingdao subsidy 84,000 per year

Scientific ResearchFund

Provide a funds for Dr. Related Dr. (including Foreign Doctoral),Support for 2 years;

Provide 30,000 yuan per year for Dr. Zhuo You's post -doctoral research expenses,Support for at most 3 years。

Qingdao City's acting of innovation or entrepreneurial prospect research project with Qingdao City,After being determined by expert review,Give 50,000 yuan or 100,000 yuan post -doctoral project funding。


During the employment period, schools can provide qualified candidates with preferential rented post -doctoral apartments。

Social Securityand

Provident fund

The school pays social insurance and provident funds in accordance with the same standards of Chinese -based doctorals。

MedicalHealth care

School Affiliated Hospital provides the best medical care service for the introduction of talents and their children。


School Basic Education Group provides the best basic education in Shandong Province to introduce children of talents。

An family policy

For the postdoctoral post -doctoral procedure in Qingdao (excluding in -service personnel) in Qingdao (excluding in -service) within 6 months after leaving the station,Qingdao City Gives Gathering Gathering Gathering 250,000 yuan。

Four, post -doctoral cooperation tutor

Research Team

Cooperative instructor name

Contact information

Constitution and Administrative Law Research Team

Liu Yantao


Wang Dezhi


Xiao Jinming


Research Team of Legal and Law History

Hou Xinyi


Xie Pengcheng


Xu Xianming

Zheng Zhihang


Digital Method Research Team

Feng Junwei


Xiao Jinming


Zhang Pinghua


Zheng Zhihang


Zhou Changjun


Litigation Law Research Team

Cui Yongdong


Feng Junwei


Huang Shiyuan


Zhang Haiyan


Zhou Changjun


Research Team of Civil and Commercial Law

Pan Lin


Qin Wei


Wang Liping


Zhang Pinghua


Research Team of Intellectual Property Law

Cui Lihong


Shi Wei


Criminal Law Research Team

Li Bencan


Liu Zhongwei


Zhou Xiaotian


Research Team of Economic Law and Environmental Resources Law

Chai Ruijuan


Zhang Shijun


International Law Research Team

Huang Shixi


Shi Wei


(Sorted by the name of the surname, click on the name to check the introduction)

5. Application method

Applicants please contact the intended cooperative mentor,After the consent of the Meridian instructor'bet365 sports betting apps consent,Personal resume,Including learning work experience、Main research content、Paper Published, etc., and other related information that can prove my ability and academic level Send to mailbox: sdufxyrs@163.com,Email title, please indicate "Post -doctoral Application+Candidator Name+Cooperators' Name"。

flow station Contact: Teacher Fang,0532-58630528。

Shandong University (Qingdao) Poor Police in and out of details. For reference, please refer to: https://rsc.qd.sdu.edu.cn/info/1181/4803.htm。

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Submitted mailbox:lawschoolwangzhan@163.com

Address: Qingdao Campus, Shandong University, No. 72 Binhai Road, Shimo District, Qingdao City     Postcode 266237

          Hongjialou Campus, Shandong University, No. 5, Hongjialou, Licheng District, Jinan City    Zip Code 250100

All rights reserved: bet365 app 2012 all rights reserved

Submitted mailbox:lawschoolwangzhan@163.com

Address: Qingdao Campus, Shandong University, No. 72 Binhai Road, Shimo District, Qingdao City     Postcode 266237

          Hongjialou Campus, Shandong University, No. 5, Hongjialou, Licheng District, Jinan City    Zip Code 250100