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Win again! The students of Law School won the top ten singers champion of Shandong University (Qingdao)

Release Date: 2024-06-04    Author:     Source:     Click:

On the evening of June 1,2024 Shandong University (Qingdao) "Ji Yin Shanhai,Qile Future "Campus Top Ten Singer Finals will bet365 sports betting appbe held in Qingdao Campus。After three rounds of intense competition,2 students from the Law School obtained the title of "Top Ten Singer" in the campus,Where,2023 Master Graduate Li Jiazheng won the champion,2023 undergraduate Feng Fuhai won the third place。

The Top Ten Singer of the Campus as the traditional brand of campus culture,It has always attracted the participation and attention of many students。In the schedule of nearly two and a half months,​​After the preliminary and rematch,Li Jiayu and Feng Fuhai won the title of Top Ten Singer and bet365 appadvanced to this final。In the first round,Two players cooperate with the sang guests with tacit understanding,The atmosphere at the scene is warm,Get the fourth place、Second place,and thus determine the order of the next round; in the second round of the ranking,Li Jiaxuan to show a beautiful drama cavity、The work full of patriotism "Red Ling" won the champion,Feng Fuhai to express self -attitude、The free and easy rap work "Don't Nestabon to Speak Loud" won the third place。The Top Ten Singer of the Campus Competition bet365 appprevious outstanding players 2022 Graduate Li Menghan、2021 undergraduate He Ying、2021 undergraduate Ding Jiahang、Level 2022 undergraduates Ye Yanxi and other law school students as guest singers and invited performers to sing on the final night of the finals。

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So far,Law School created a four -year championship in this event。The college will continue to focus on carrying out aesthetic education projects,Organization、Encourage and guide students to actively participate in various cultural activities,Create a booming upward、bet365 sports betting apkVibrant happy campus culture。


