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Shandong University Student Laws House of Law Society held a "fair measurement · scale heart like one" rule of law publicity activity

Release Date: 2024-05-22    Author:     Source:     Click:

Value on the 25th "World bet365 sports betting bet365 sports betting apkapkMeasurement Day",Shandong University Student Law Society held a "fair measurement · scale heart like one" rule of law on May 20,Popularized measurement knowledge,Propaganda rule of law culture。

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The activity has attracted many teachers and students to participate,The atmosphere at the scene is warm and orderly。Participants through participation in measurement knowledge science and answer、Item estimation weight quiz、Methods and other interesting activities,bet365 sports betting appLearn metering knowledge bet365 sports betting appin a relaxed and happy atmosphere、Enhance legal consciousness。Participants have pasted their learning results on the exhibition board,and indicate this activity,Learn about the measurement related to the measurement,I have a new understanding of how to maintain their legal rights and interests。

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With the popularity of electronic scale,"Ghost Scale" incident frequently,Causes serious damage bet365 sports betting apkto consumers' rights bet365 sports betting appand interests。The publicity activities of the rule of law will help teachers and students to strengthen the attention of metrological knowledge and metering culture,Deepen the understanding of the Consumer Rights Protection Law,Enhance the awareness of rights protection。


