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Bet365 APP "Fa Xin Nuan Yang" Volunteer Service Team to Jiuru Castle Casino to carry out a labor month series activities

Release Date: 2024-05-21    Author:     Source:     Click:

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In order to adhere to the fundamental task of Lideshu people,Important measures to implement labor education,Further bet365 sports betting loginbet365 sports betting apkpromote the spirit of labor,Bet365 APP "Fa Xin Nuan Yang" volunteer team,On May 19, go to Jiuru Castle Casino, Aojiao Stone Courtyard in Jimo District,Carry out the labor month series volunteer service activities。

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Volunteer team actively carried out voluntary labor,division of labor cooperation,Wipe the table and cabinet、Wipe the table and cabinet、Disinfection and cleaning。During the labor process, communicate with the old people,Create a more neat and comfortable living environment for them。

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Subsequent,Volunteer team organized a series bet365 sports betting loginbet365 sports betting bet365 sports betting appappof Yi Zhijian brain activities。In the "Fun Health Health · Gesture Dance" activity,Volunteers patiently lead the grandparents and grandma to catch up with gesture dance "New Wide",Complete the gesture dance performance together;,Along with the wonderful rhythm of "Tomorrow will Better",Volunteers and old people pass "flowers"。Volunteers interact with the game,concerned about the physical and mental health of the elderly、Propaganda anti -fraud knowledge。Grandpares and grandma participating in the event have expressed bet365 sports betting apkbet365 sports bettingtheir full sense of happiness,I hope to share the happy moment with volunteers。

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This volunteer service activity not only sent care and warmth to the elderly,It also shows the value and significance of labor and the dedication of the students of the law school,Reflect that contemporary youth's love for labor education and social services,enhanced the students' sense of social responsibility。Volunteers use their own actual actions,Passing the spirit of labor,spread the positive energy of society,I contributed bet365 sports betting appa force for the construction bet365 sports betting loginbet365 sports bettingof a harmonious society。


