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The first phase of the Light Pickup Concert in Law School

Release Date: 2024-05-20    Author:     Source:     Click:

To cultivate students' bet365 sports betting bet365 sports betting loginloginsentiment、Improve student exchange,Solid implementation "Study in the Mountains、Happy Growth "concept,May 16,Law School holds the first time picking concert at the blue track and field。

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At the concert,2022 level、Grade 2023 undergraduates sang many classic songs of singers such as Jay Chou。"Sunny Day", "Blue and White Porcelain", "Seven Li Xiang" and other familiar melody aroused bet365 sports betting apkbet365 appeveryone's good memory for youth,Moving singing creates "Poetry and Far" belonging to summer night。Special performance link,Counselor teacher Huang Jingyi and Ye Yanxi sang "Zhang San's Song",Bless students with hope,Going to the future。Freedom performance link,Students who love music have brought wonderful performances of different styles。The beating notes show the bet365 sports betting bet365 sports bettingapkvitality of youth,Moving songs evoke the warmth of the heart。Night Fall,The voice is constant,Lite the summer night,Singing Youth。

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Deputy Secretary of the College Party Committee Song Jibin and Teacher Representative、Students nearly 100 people attend the concert。


