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Undergraduates of Law School won the second prize of the 2024 Vitality Group Gymnastics Competition

Release Date: 2024-05-07    Author:     Source:     Click:

April spring breeze,Passion Surging。In the afternoon bet365 sports betting apkof April 28,Shandong University (Qingdao) 2024 The finals of the Vitality Group Gymnastics Contest at the Playground of the Qingdao Campus。There are 6 graduate teams and 7 undergraduate teams in this competition,Undergraduates of Law School won the second prize of the undergraduate group。

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This current active group gymnastics competition is divided into two stages: preliminaries and finals。In the preliminaries,The undergraduate team of the Law School Action Vitality Four Shooting,bet365 appForming is novel and multi -changing,Enter the final with excellent results。In the final,The team fucking team further optimized the formation change,Maintain high enthusiasm into the finals。

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The team members have a stunning appearance in the cheerful music,Brave appearance、Activities of vitality、Tacoly coordinated,Insert a lot of excuses、Sound leap,The team members are inspired by "Chinese dragon",Putting the pattern of the leader with a flower bet365 sports betting appball,Dedication for the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with full enthusiasm。

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Du Xing Non -Lare,can be far away。Girlfriend members of the girlfriend cultivate tacit understanding in day after day training、Challenge self,Use practical actions to show "Shanda Sports,Yuxian Tuqiang "core theme,shows the vigorous spirit of the French science students,The most beautiful color of youth。


